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Fulfilling Lives Lambeth, Southwark & Lewisham partners with New Philanthropy Capital!

Fulfilling Lives Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham is delighted to announce a new two-year research and evaluation partnership with New Philanthropy Capital (NPC).

image shows a woman smiling at work

This research and evaluation partnership of NPC, Groundswell and the Centre for Regional and Economic Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University will combine expertise in systems change, influencing policy-makers, peer research, and trauma-, gender- and culturally-informed approaches.

The partnership will allow us to develop a better understanding of the complex interactions in systems navigated by people facing multiple disadvantages in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham. This can then be used to strengthen the case for change across these systems.

Diane Elizabeth Smith MBE, Head of Programme at Fulfilling Lives Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham said:

“[The partnership] will contribute to influencing and changing systems that have such a powerful impact every day on the lives of people facing multiples disadvantages.”

Participatory research will be at the heart of the work as NPC, along with Groundswell and CRESR, will prioritise involving stakeholders, including people with lived experience, throughout.

This research will then be used across the sector and beyond the lifetime of the project, and “has the potential to transform people’s lives locally as well as influence national policy and practice”, says Katie Boswell, Associate Director of Strategy & Leadership at NPC.

NPC and its partners will share their learning through events, publications and blogs, which will also be shared across Fulfilling Lives and Certitude’s online platforms. The final evaluation is due at the end of 2021.

Find out more on our Fulfilling Lives team page.